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Cord Pereira

Situational Coach & Advisor

As a situational coach, Cord becomes your trusted advisor with independent perspective and a badass mindset -  to accompany you through specific business or career challenges that cause inaction, uncertainty, anxiety and even threaten relationships. 

Cord's quick assessment and close collaboration with you can indeed be valuable in helping you make informed decisions in complex business situations. When faced with challenging circumstances, seeking independent corroboration and gaining a dose of reality can provide fresh perspectives and insights that may have been overlooked. This can enhance your decision-making process and increase the likelihood of achieving your desired outcomes.

How Cord Operates?

If you're interested in Cord's personal services, please begin by registering for a confidential 30 minute "Interview Consultation" with Cord over video conference to determine needs and ensure alignment and shared vision.    

Situational Coaching Approach

  1. Sign a mutual confidentiality and advisory agreement with Cord.
  2. Quickly bring Cord up to speed with the latest on all fronts for the given challenge- video calls, review your plans and documentation. 
  3. Understanding your desired outcome, restrictions/limitations, advantages, competitive landscape and relationship issues.
  4. Analyze and identify component solution alternatives for relevant factors of the challenge - alternate concepts, partners, prioritization, etc. 
  5. Outreach and introductions to experts if/as appropriate that can corroborate and/or add value to the outcome of the challenge.
  6. Make confident decisions. Assess & Reassess.


High Touchpoint Programs

Interview Consultation with Cord Pereira

30 minutes (video conference)


Step 1

Concentration Program with Cord Pereira

1 month. 20 Hours. 
1 Hour (M-F, video conference)



Advisor Program
with Cord Pereira

Concentration Program + annual engagement. 50 hours  1 hour avg. per week. (video conference)  

$10,000 + $3,000/month
